





为向广大从事旅游研究的青年教师及博士、硕士研究生系统介绍质性研究方法及其在旅游学科前沿的应用,《旅游学刊》将于2018年10月18—19日举办第七期国际旅游研究高级研修班。研修班主要面向从事旅游研究工作的高等院校青年教师、相关研究机构的青年学者以及博士、硕士研究生。主讲嘉宾为著名人类学家、美国加州大学伯克利分校Nelson Graburn教授,中山大学社会学与人类学学院副院长王宁教授,美国亚利桑那州立大学Christine N. Buzinde副教授,北京大学教育学院林小英副教授,研修内容主要以质性研究的方法及其应用为主。



时    间:2018年10月18日(星期四)—10月19日(星期五)


地    点:北京 北苑大酒店



注 册 费:研修班不收注册费,交通、食宿自理



联 系 人:《旅游学刊》编辑部  刘鲁  010-6490 0163




嘉宾Nelson H.H. Graburn

美国加州大学伯克利分校  荣誉教授 


Professor Nelson H.H. Graburn has published over 300 articles, chapters and book reviews, in more than seven languages, covering the topics: Kinship, social structure and ethnographic methods; Canada, Japan, Ainu, tourism, China, minority nationalities, identity and cultural conservation; Inuit, Circumpolar Peoples; Visual anthropology, art and social change; Heritage, museums, material culture, symbols and nationalism. Local and regional histories of Asian Anthropology.

Professor Graburn taught at Berkeley since 1964, with visiting appointments at the National Museum of Civilization, Ottawa; Le Centre des Hautes Etudes Touristiques, Aix-en-Provence; the National Museum of Ethnology (Minpaku) in Osaka; the Research Center for Korean Studies, U. of Kyushu, Fukuoka; Dept. of Anthropology, U. Rio Grande del Sol, Porto Alegre, Brazil; Senior Professor, International Institute for Culture, Tourism and Development, London Metropolitan University;Beijing International Studies University; Beijing Central Nationalities University; Ningbo University, Yunnan National U., Kunming, and many others. My recent research has focused on the study of art, tourism, museums, heritage and the expression and representation of identity. I have been working on Contemporary Domestic Tourism and Heritage in East Asia, and on Multiculturalism in Japan. I continues to work with the Inuit cultural organization, Avataq (Nunavik) and the Nunavut Research Institute, on aspects of cultural preservation and historical recovery, contemporary Inuit arts including urban Inuit artists, and on cultural tourism and self-governance.






王宁,教授,1982年2月毕业于厦门大学哲学系。1997年5月获英国谢菲尔德大学博士学位。现就职于中山大学社会学与人类学学院社会学系。2002-2003年赴美国伊力诺依大学香槟分校访问一年。系Annals of Tourism Research的resource editor以及国内几家刊物的编委会成员。曾任世界社会学大会国际旅游研究分会(RC50)第一副会长(2003-2006年),现任中国社会学会副会长、广东省社会学学会常务副会长、中国社会学会消费社会学专业委员会理事长。王宁教授的主要研究领域为消费社会学、旅游社会学、社会研究方法论,出版了Tourism and Modernity: A Sociological Analysis、《消费社会学》、《消费的欲望》、《消费社会学的探索》、《从苦行者社会到消费者社会》、《家庭消费行为的制度嵌入性》等著作,以及系列论文。


嘉宾Christine N. Buzinde

美国亚利桑那州立大学  副教授


Prior to joining ASU, Christine Buzinde was an assistant professor at Penn State University (RPTM) from July 2007 to July 2012.  She joined the School of Community Resources and Development in August of 2012.

Her research focuses on two areas: community development through tourism and the politics of tourism representations. Buzinde’s work on development adopts a grassroots approach and it aims to understand the relationship between community well-being and tourism development within marginalized communities. Tourism development has been proposed by the United Nations World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) as one of the tools through which the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) can be accomplished to enhance well-being within South nations.  However, questions of enduring interest posed within Buzinde’s research include: Are the well-being indicators, such those evidenced in the MDGs, (mis)aligned with well-being indicators articulated by communities in South nations?  How does tourism development impact, if at all, the indicators articulated by communities in South nations? What is the cost to society of placing social welfare within a business paradigm and how does this varyingly impact the various generations within a given community? Buzinde’s work on the politics of tourism representations principally views tourism texts as cultural repositories through which issues of inclusion/exclusion, North/South and core/periphery can be understood.  Scholarly explorations on tourism representations are central to our understanding of ways in which tourism is entangled with issues of power, oppression, agency and resistance.  Buzinde has conducted research in the United States, Tanzania and Mexico. Her work has been featured in top tier academic journals within tourism studies and outside the field as well as at national and international conferences.  She serves on the editorial board of Annals of Tourism Research and she is also a faculty affiliate in the Tourism Lab at University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign.


北京大学教育学院  副教授







研修班Day 01

2018年10月18日 8:30-12:00




研修班Day 02 

2018年10月19日 8:30-12:00








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